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Client Beliefs

Ross's Christmas Story - Client Beliefs

A therapist should always be aware that not everyone has the same beliefs as themselves and not to force their own belief onto their clients. Do you realise your simple comments or opinions may change the client's treatment outcome? Their judgment of the comments may impact on the expected treatment result as you have gone against their belief pattern.

This statement reminds me of when I was about 7 years old. I am the eldest of 5 children and my middle brother Allan, who is 3 years younger, came to me two days before Christmas to ask if I was going to leave Santa some milk and cake.

I said to him "No Allan, Dad is Santa and I will get my presents without leaving cake and milk."

He didn't believe me so I called my second eldest brother Kevin to back me up.

"Kev, who is Santa?"
"Dad" was his reply.
Allan looked hurt and walked away.

On Christmas Eve I noticed Allan walking down the hall with a piece of cake and a glass of milk.

I said "Al, we told you Dad is Santa."
He replied "That's your Santa, not mine" and walked on.

I learnt on that day that beliefs are just as strong as truth to many people.

I am continually reminded how many wars are fought over beliefs not knowing where is the truth.