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The Blind Girl at the Pool

An event in 1984 had a great effect me and on my realization that not every one sees things as we do.

I had taken two of my children to Brisbane for a holiday. My eldest daughter loved to swim so we went to a well known swimming pool called The Oasis. This was my daughter's first experience on a 4-meter diving board. I was watching her excitement on the board when I noticed two young women walking hand in hand towards the diving board. They stopped at the ladder to the diving board and spoke quietly together. I could not hear what they were saying.

One of them then climbed the ladder and then invitingly spoke down to the other saying "Come up. Don't be afraid it's only 10 steps". The one below climbed slowly and cautiously up the steps. When she reached the top the first girl helped her to step onto the platform.

They spoke again and then the first girl walked out to the end of the board and back again. They spoke again. Then the first girl walked to the end of the board and back and jumped into the water. She came to the surface and began to tread water calling out to the other girl to come out to the end of the board and jump to her. "Come on walk out. It is only 10 steps, you can do it".

After continuous encouragement the girl walked to the end of the board and again the first girl called out "Come on jump, I'm here jump to me". With a little hesitancy the girl jumped. As she jumped the girl in the water moved quickly away, the second girl landed in the water, she went under and surfaced again with her hand in the air. The first girl grabbed the hand quickly and led her to the side of the pool. The first girl climbed out of the pool turned and helped the other girl out of the water. It was then I noticed the second girl was blind.

I sat there for quite some time contemplating what I had witnessed and then asked myself the question "In whom could I put my faith into to step into the darkness? Who could describe for me the beauty of a rose as I see it?".

This took quite a few days until I had a satisfactory answer. It was not my mother, my wife or any close family friend. The person I selected I had known many years before and had very little contact with today. This was a surprise. Who could you put your faith in? Who really sees things as you do?